Friday, August 13, 2010

Dear Baby #2: Praying and Preparing

Dear Baby,

Preparations are under way even though we don't know when you will be here. We want to be ready. We do have a room picked out. It's right across from our room so you'll be close. We've already chosen some colors.. brown and green I believe. We even have had some toys, rockers and other stuff donated too.

We did our home study. That's where someone checks out us, and our house to make sure it's ok for you to come live with us. Oh and we went to the doctor who ran tests to make sure we are healthy enough to take care of you. We are still waiting on some results but it seems everything is going fine. We also have to wait a little while for some paperwork and such to get done, but soon we will be putting our profile for your mom to see. Once that happens it could be any time.

So until then we are waiting and praying. We are praying for your mom's health and the choice she has to make. We're praying for you too. And don't worry, we aren't the only ones praying. There are so many people who are praying for us, and for you too.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Meagan! It was so great to hear from you and to link over to your blog to see what you have been up to. (Honestly, I didn’t think anyone but my sisters read my blog…if they do at all…so when I saw a comment from you, I was so happily surprised!!!) I am THRILLED for you & Russell! What a wonderful and exciting journey! I will keep y’all in my prayers and will check back often for updates on your baby search. What an amazing blessing!!! I wish you two lots of love and prayers and all the best! Love, Jill
