Monday, December 12, 2011

Officially A Martin

Well it's now official. It was December of last year when we were getting our profile book together and sending our info in to be posted online with the adoption agency. Now, just around a year later we have completed the entire process and are glad to officially introduce you to Elijah Glenn Martin!

In other news Meagan has been going through Eli's clothes and has been boxing up some that he has outgrown. I'm not sure I thought Eli would ever grow out of anything, but our little one is growing up.

In yet other news, the sleeping schedule has been working great. Every night he has gone to bed between 8:00 and 9:00 p.m. and he is sleeping all through the night. It is amazing how much this simple schedule has helped with his feeding, naps, personality and all other aspects of his day.

As always.. here are a few photos from the past week or so.

"Daddy.. Mrs. Sue gave me candy, Can I eat it?"


Eli and Mommy at Hanging of the Greens

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Eli Update - Sleep Schedule and Growing

I came home from rehearsal on Wednesday and Eli was already in bed asleep. For the past several weeks we have been fighting him being cranky at night, not eating well, and not wanting to go to sleep. Meagan did a little reading and found out that we weren't being consistent enough with his bed time.

So...after a little research Meagan found a method that we thought would work. About 8:00 p.m. we give him his final bottle and lay him down to go to sleep. We are not supposed to rock him to sleep but lay him down and let him try to go to sleep himself. If he cries we are supposed to wait 5 min before going in to soothe him the first time, then if he doesn't go to sleep wait 10 min the second time before trying to soothe him.

I would have thought it would be incredibly hard, listening to him cry. However we never got the chance.

 We have been doing this since Wednesday and every time he has gone pretty much straight to sleep. Only once did he wake up hungry, about 11:00 p.m. Other than that he sleeps from 8:30 all the way through till about 8:30 a.m.

This has changed so much. He is eating less feedings, but taking more at each feeding. His naps are getting onto a schedule and he seems to be less cranky, and happier. 
I'll take it!!!

It seems really like one of the first things we've done that has worked on a consistent basis!

That's the big news for the week. In other news, Eli is weighing in, unofficially, at 16.5 lbs.

Oh, final big news. Our lawyers have completed the paper work and filed it with the court. So I think we just lack getting a court date to get this whole thing finalized and official.

Eli and Daddy

Hanging out with the office volunteers

Sitting with Mommy in Church