Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Dear Baby: #1 Introduction

Dear Baby,
Let me introduce myself.. I am Russell and my wife is Meagan. We live in a house with 4 puppies and a kitty cat. Meagan teaches school, and I lead music at our church.

Our house is a nice small house in the city. It has a yard out back with a small garden, and a tree where I can put a swing. I think thought we'll have to save the swinging for sometime other than August, it's hot!!!

Inside the house we already have a room picked out for you! Right now there's not much in it but we are working on collecting a crib, dresser, toys and all the other stuff you will need.

The colors are brown and green. I hope you like them, but if not we can change them once you are old enough to tell us what colors you do like.

It seems kind of weird writing to you because we have no idea who you are, or when you will come to live with us. Just know this.. we are praying for you, we are praying for your birth mom and we can't wait till you come to live with us.

It's late so I'll say good night.
Love You


  1. Oh my goodness---- *tear*. That is such a tender and sweet letter. What amazing parents y'all will be! Love ya! I, too, am praying for that beautiful baby that Gid has handpicked for you and Meagan!

  2. Dear Baby,
    One of the things Daddy Russell forgot to say is that there are lots of other people praying for you and your birth mom right now as well. We are waiting your arrival to welcome you into the family.
